Over the last couple years, Canadians have spent more and more time indoors. It has become apparent that indoor air quality is just as important as outdoor and shouldn’t be overlooked. Indoor contaminants may result in unwanted odours, contaminant buildup, mould growth and more. Most indoor air quality issues derive from inadequate ventilation. Not only does inadequate ventilation pose a risk of reduced air quality, it may also signify energy inefficiencies in the system, resulting in more costly bills.

Whether your business is trying to stay proactive in maintaining a comfortable workplace for your workers, reassessing the indoor environment before employees are returning to their offices at full capacity, or trying to resolve on-going indoor related air issues, Arcose is equipped with the expertise and tools to help you. Give us a call at 604-372-2502 or send and email to [email protected] to find out more or speak to one of our consultants for more information.